Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I AM still alive.

A lot has gone on, and since I now live so far out in the country that Internet service is limited by a small town monopoly I have not been able to update this Blog.

I am searching for new employment, which will probably involve driving at least 40 miles one-way to; but the pay off is worth it! I have chickens and ducks (ducks just gave us 15 duckling) and turkeys. I can see ALL the stars in the sky at night and the quite is almost deafening. I also have a beautiful garden going and am nearly ready to plant the spring veggies.

I also have had a lot to think about in my choice in men and will fill in the blanks when I figure it out.

My mother just had her birthday Monday and we had a wonderful day. My sister, my mother's beast friend; Sheila, and I went downtown with her for window shopping and lunch and wonderful little lunch restaurant named Joseph's( ). I am so grateful to be so close to my family. I have even been going to church with my sister and her family. It is amazing how much more I appreciate them after being gone from this area for so long.

Last, but not least, Happy birthday to Bad Patty. Have a drink for me.